Two People, Three Voices

Uncategorized Oct 31, 2022

Sometimes, theology doesn't match with praxis. Many have a theology of the Holy Spirit's presence as Paraclete and Teacher, but don't know how He integrates in every day living. Often, the Holy Spirit is equated with "intuitive preferences" or "ecstatic experiences." But a careful reading of Scripture indicates that both of those are problematic. "Intuitive preference" would say it's a suicide mission to march around the walls of Jericho as a battle tactic, and "ecstatic experience" can be manufactured so that it becomes difficult to tell the real from the conjured.

Recently, I was on an overnight trip to Colorado meeting with a pastor and friend. The goal was to come away from our overnight with a strong sense from God on the vision and strategy of the church he pastors. I believe so much in vision and strategy - and the process of it - that we created an entire course at Wenwyn on it. Vision does not emerge in a vacuum. That said, vision and strategy is also not born simply from pragmatism, intuition, or ecstatic experience. From the moment my friend was in the car to the moment he was dropped off at the airport, we were aware that the Holy Spirit was a part of our conversations. God had been working in us individually and providing pieces to His divine puzzle. The joy was in putting pieces together and seeing how they dovetailed with what the Holy Spirit had been gently prodding the entire time. Our conversations were rich and full of "WOW!" moments. We walked away both worshipping God for His direction, and encouraged by the process as fully-formed vision and strategy for the next three years set in motion for God's local church moving forward.

In a world where there are two people, but three voices (mine, yours, and the Holy Spirit), conversations become both practical and miraculous simultaneously. It becomes more real in that there's little in the way of "fluff" or confusion, and a whole lot about how His narrative is breathed into current context for future direction. I experienced this again as my wife and I sought direction, clarity and prayer on a major opportunity/invitation. In the process, the Holy Spirit gave clear affirmation (through many ways) on doorways or pathways forward.

Sometimes, God's voice is silent. And that too must be recognized. We cannot create a voice for Him if He embraces the silence. Our directive becomes just as clear in those moments: be patient and wait. God has a sense of divine timing. The Holy Spirit, even by silence, is still speaking.

Most Christians have a theology of the Holy Spirit. We know He is an equal Person in the Trinity and we see His hand on a macro level and in the micro by looking in the rear view mirror of life. But many simply don't know what to do with His role practically and today. There's a sense that He'll either speak by osmosis or circumstance. But this is an incomplete approach. He may, in fact, speak by both osmosis (i.e., our context) or by circumstance (i.e., things happening to us). But He is in no way limited by them. The Holy Spirit speaks regularly to us, as an Advocate and Teacher. Most simply don't have a personal praxis that matches their theology. In those cases, change your praxis to match your theology. If there are two people talking, there are three voices in the room. Learn to embrace the third voice. This need not be mystical nor manufactured. Simply acknowledge in prayer and thought that He is speaking and ask Him to reveal His thoughts by inner peace, advice (directly from Him or others), circumstance, Scripture, or other means that indicates how He wants you to follow Him. God is in control and leading the journey forward. This need not paralyze you. God probably doesn't care which pair of socks you put on today, so praying about the right sock choice is likely to find Him silent. (In those cases, put on socks anyway.) But it is also not to say that He is not in the small choices. A part of growth in Christ is learning to stay attuned to the Holy Spirit at all times while also knowing where His clarity in life choices is crucial.

Learn to walk with and in the Holy Spirit. If it's just you, then there are two voices in the conversation. If two people, then three voices. You get the idea. In doing so, you'll discover evidences of the miraculous and extraordinary in the every day. 


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